
This was inspired by the scarves in the movie version of Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban, but with a different stripe pattern and i used the
book colors for Ravenclaw rather than the movie ones. Also, if you thought the ones in the movie looked warm, this pattern is insane -- knit in the round
and ribbed, it's about 4x as thick as single-ply stockinette.
* 4 balls Lion Brand Wool-Ease Navy 111 (197 yds each)
* 2 balls Lion Glitterspun Bronze #135 (115 yds each)
* #7 (4.5 mm) circular needles (i used Denise and Magic Loop)
Cast on 84 stitches (i used a long-tail cast-on) using the navy yarn.
Knit one row in the pattern: k5,p2,[k4,p2]x5,k10,p2,[k4,p2]x5,k5. join.
Note that this is a k4,p2 rib all the way around except for the "edges",
which have no purl-rib.
Continue in the pattern with the navy for 9 more rows. Change to bronze
(i tied knots. be sure to keep knots and tails on the inside of the tube).
Knit in the pattern in bronze for 5 rows, then navy for 10, then bronze
for 10, then navy for 10, then bronze for 5, then navy for 20. This is
one rep. (To summarize, each rep is: n20,b5,n10,b10,n10,b5,n20. When
repeated, that will yield 40 row spans of navy between the stripey bits.)
Repeat until desired length. My scarf was 6 reps total and was 6ft long.
Bind off (i used a 3-needle bind-off to close the tube), making sure the
aforementioned edges of the ribbing pattern are still on the edges. Turn
the tube inside out (the beginning end is still open) and tie in tails if
desired (be careful that your method doesn't show on the outside. being
able to be sloppy with the inside is one of the nice things about tube
scarves). Turn back right-side out. At this point, i chose to whip-stitch
the tube closed.
Cut 28 5in pieces of bronze and 56 5in pieces of navy for fringe. Make
groups of 2 bronze and 4 navy pieces each. Attach these at the ends (one
per knit-rib) using Lark's Head knots. Trim with scissors if slightly
Copyright & Contact Info
This pattern is copyright © 2008 Rob Starling. It is an original work and may be used for non-commercial purposes only. I'm happy to answer questions about the pattern -- find me on
Ravelry (robstar) or email me at rob -at- robstarling -dot- org.